.:continue about WEB 2.0:.
WEB 2.0?
We always heard about the word of web 2.0 in the internet but we don't know about that. Actually word of web 2.0 is communication between two or above than two people.
1) Web 2.0 have web applications like applications on the desktop. It cam be use through the web browser without the installer software on the PC.
For example, like the javascipt application, java applets, php and others. If we open the website like YouTube, Itunes and others, we could see the application work in real-time.
2) Interactivity (user-generated content). used to give the other opinion, coments, used to write the article and it seem like in the blog , Frienster, MySpace, Facebook,Hi-5 and others. If web 1.0, people only could read the article on the website but in web 2.0 people could be the subcriber or contributor. And also platform like photo-sharing liked Flickr and video-sharing liked YouTube.
3) Consumers may related each for other. The platform that can be used like MyBlogLog. For blog to add a friends like Frienster or MySpace are different with the usual link. The association is interactive, as a example like MyBlogLog. Consumers enable to fill their personal information and see the association or relationship between him and the other users.
4) Used the RSS Feed and Rss reader at the website or blog. It can give instant information to the visitor when one site in update. Visitor don't need to type the URL and check the website every day if the owner site writed the new articles.
5) Used the Open Source script 's (OS) , either collectively or half-OS. The Script in wordpress.org, wiki, mozilla, sourceforge and so on.
6) Used the Folksonomy such as tagging, tag clouds and so on to give the category to web page, links and photos.
7) User-friendly interface. Unlike web 1.0 which usually do not really user friendly, Web 2.0 sites make easy to anyone used it because it include WYSIWYG 's features (what you see is what you get). Take A Look Friendster - if we want to build Friendster site, it's so easy for the beginner.
8) Clean layout. Easy navigation. Not complicated.
Can be summed up as:
Computer user ==> see RSS READER ==> surf website ==> read / see ==> put comment / write posting / edit content / upload photo ==> see / read other partner comment ==> counter comment / posting friends ==> give up website ==> close browser.
That all for the information about WEB 2.0 features..
Now let see the different between web 2.0 and web 1.o......
2) Interactivity (user-generated content). used to give the other opinion, coments, used to write the article and it seem like in the blog , Frienster, MySpace, Facebook,Hi-5 and others. If web 1.0, people only could read the article on the website but in web 2.0 people could be the subcriber or contributor. And also platform like photo-sharing liked Flickr and video-sharing liked YouTube.
3) Consumers may related each for other. The platform that can be used like MyBlogLog. For blog to add a friends like Frienster or MySpace are different with the usual link. The association is interactive, as a example like MyBlogLog. Consumers enable to fill their personal information and see the association or relationship between him and the other users.
4) Used the RSS Feed and Rss reader at the website or blog. It can give instant information to the visitor when one site in update. Visitor don't need to type the URL and check the website every day if the owner site writed the new articles.
5) Used the Open Source script 's (OS) , either collectively or half-OS. The Script in wordpress.org, wiki, mozilla, sourceforge and so on.
6) Used the Folksonomy such as tagging, tag clouds and so on to give the category to web page, links and photos.
7) User-friendly interface. Unlike web 1.0 which usually do not really user friendly, Web 2.0 sites make easy to anyone used it because it include WYSIWYG 's features (what you see is what you get). Take A Look Friendster - if we want to build Friendster site, it's so easy for the beginner.
8) Clean layout. Easy navigation. Not complicated.
Can be summed up as:
Computer user ==> see RSS READER ==> surf website ==> read / see ==> put comment / write posting / edit content / upload photo ==> see / read other partner comment ==> counter comment / posting friends ==> give up website ==> close browser.
That all for the information about WEB 2.0 features..
Now let see the different between web 2.0 and web 1.o......
Web 1.0 Web 2.0
Double Click --> Google AdSense
Ofoto --> Flickr
Akamai --> BitTorrent
mp3.com --> Napster
Britannica Online --> Wikipedia
personal websites --> blogging
evite --> upcoming.org and EVDB
domain name speculation --> search engine optimization
page views --> cost per click
screen scraping --> web services
publishing --> participation
content management systems --> wikis
directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy")
stickiness --> syndication
Which need you understand now, as a internet marketer, was:
1.) What Web basic meaning 2.0?
2.) How Web 2.0 can help in succeed again our internet business?
1.) What Web basic meaning 2.0?
2.) How Web 2.0 can help in succeed again our internet business?
3.) What Web technique 2.0 should be used as tool marketing effective?
4.) What which need we perform to seek targeted traffic and recurring traffic to website we through Web 2.0?
5.) Can Web 2.0 give us converted traffic (visitors become buyers) or does it will become distraction (distract) to visitor?
*More information at : http://www.paulgraham.com/web20.html
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Web_2.0
*And for the example the applications of WEB 2.0:-
To Be Continue...
Now let see the concept of Web 2.0. In short, is the next generation of Internet applications, business strategy and the underlying technologies that enable conversations and contribution to the online community.
It may be helpful to quickly sum up the first generation of websites.
They were typically produced and maintained by independent webmasters who updated the websites' content only when the information became dated or was no longer aligned with the business goals.
The vast majority of websites pre-2000 websites were "read only", meaning you could only look at the content without changing it. If you wanted to suggest a change, correct or add information you would have most likely been redirected to a contact form or email address of the webmaster who controlled the contents of the website.
Plenty of things. Open-source software, particularly web server and web development software such as PHP and Perl, and database software such as MySQL enabled rapid development of online applications for a fraction of the cost. The barrier of entry has been lowered to the point where anyone with an idea can build a powerful web service and open its doors to the world.
4.) What which need we perform to seek targeted traffic and recurring traffic to website we through Web 2.0?
5.) Can Web 2.0 give us converted traffic (visitors become buyers) or does it will become distraction (distract) to visitor?
*More information at : http://www.paulgraham.com/web20.html
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Web_2.0
*And for the example the applications of WEB 2.0:-
To Be Continue...
Now let see the concept of Web 2.0. In short, is the next generation of Internet applications, business strategy and the underlying technologies that enable conversations and contribution to the online community.
It may be helpful to quickly sum up the first generation of websites.
They were typically produced and maintained by independent webmasters who updated the websites' content only when the information became dated or was no longer aligned with the business goals.
The vast majority of websites pre-2000 websites were "read only", meaning you could only look at the content without changing it. If you wanted to suggest a change, correct or add information you would have most likely been redirected to a contact form or email address of the webmaster who controlled the contents of the website.
Plenty of things. Open-source software, particularly web server and web development software such as PHP and Perl, and database software such as MySQL enabled rapid development of online applications for a fraction of the cost. The barrier of entry has been lowered to the point where anyone with an idea can build a powerful web service and open its doors to the world.
Marketers use Web 2.0 services and see them primarily as the platforms where they can reach out and connect with customers on a more intimate level. Yet, to call the group of people "customers" may not be the correct term. In the Web 2.0 era, the customers are the creators.
The creators build web pages, upload audio, video and images, and tag multimedia files providing other users with useful information about their creations. This material is known as "user-generated content".
See this website to know more about the web 2.0:-
See the random web 2.0 statistics :-
Figure shows a "meme map" of Web 2.0 that was developed at a brainstorming session during FOO Camp, a conference at O'Reilly Media. It's very much a work in progress, but shows the many ideas that radiate out from the Web 2.0 core.
This figure was add by O'Reilly.
Contribution ofWEB 2.0
Web 2.0 have contribute for our contry and the technology too. That because it could mae people created the web more interactive to make money. The businessman always use it because they want there product more interesting to sold their things. Web 2.0 not the web in one way but two ways that could nsert their responts on their web sites.
Contribution ofWEB 2.0
Web 2.0 have contribute for our contry and the technology too. That because it could mae people created the web more interactive to make money. The businessman always use it because they want there product more interesting to sold their things. Web 2.0 not the web in one way but two ways that could nsert their responts on their web sites.
That all for the information about the WEB 2.0. If you want more, serve the link that I have add at this blog. In the mean time, if you have something to comment and to add some information comment at my blog or send me an email at: az_1606@yahoo.com.
Next time we will discuss more about ths or the other topics that more interesting.
Than you. See you in the other time.
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